I know
that that I've said this many times before, but it's still really hard
to believe that in just a little over 12 hours I'll be on a plane
ride heading towards New York. I'm just so used to spending my summer
vacations doing nothing that it's a big surprise that this year
I'm actually going to leave my house!
Between Don,
Mr. Ramsey, and Mrs. Kronenberg alone there's been lot of hard work put into
making this trip a reality--and for that I'm really grateful and I'm
happy that they'll all be there to send us off on Monday.
I've been
spending a lot of time preparing for this trip. I've been keeping myself busy
by making sure that everything goes smoothly and between all the shopping,
packing, and finalization I've done, I think I'm ready to
go. You don't know how often I've thought "Do I
really need that?" or "Maybe I should bring this too." I
was ready to just try and pack up my whole room, just to make sure that I
didn't forget anything--but since we have a 50 pound weight limit I knew that I
would have to cut corners and prioritize. And finally, after countless hours of
packing and repacking, I'm finally done!
only one thing that really worries me about this trip, and it's something that
I've always hated about travelling. That's right--time zones. Even
though I've made sure to get a lot of rest this past week, I'm still afraid of
sleeping in. I'm not the best at keeping a constant sleeping schedule, so
it's going to be somewhat of a challenge for me to get up in the morning, but I
hope to quickly adjust to the time differences in the first week or so. If not,
I have 3 different alarm clocks packed in my bag, so I'm sure that I'll get up
one way or another.
I'm honestly
not sure of what I'm most excited about. There's just so much to this trip
and New York itself that I already feel overwhelmed. We'll be going
to dinners, sight-seeing, and, most importantly, attending one
of the most prestigious colleges in the country--Columbia University. It's
one new experience after another and I really appreacite this
once in a lifetime opportunity. but there's one final hurdle before
we depart; Mrs. L, Don, Mr. Ramsey, Mrs. Kronenberg, and of course, my
fellow cohorts and I are all set to meet one final time before our departure at
El Cerrito High School Monday morning at 3:45 AM sharp. While our
shuttle is set to leave at around 4:30 AM, there's still a few last
minute preparations to be done and farewells to be made. Even though I'm
sure that I'm going miss my family and friends, I know that it's time to say
goodbye to the Bay Area and hello to New York City! I'm really excited to
leave and I can't wait to see everyone at El Cerrito High tomorrow!