Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Studying in Bushes

I finally got some sleep last night: about 8 hours. I would have liked more, but that was acceptable. I woke up at about 7:00 AM, when one of my suite-mates was heading to the gym, but I quickly fell asleep again. My alarm went off at 9:00, and for once, I didn't have to hit the snooze button. I gathered my stuff and headed to breakfast. John Jay, the Cafeteria, was much less crowded today. I sat with some guys from my dorm. It turns out, that we all wanted to go to the manhunt game tonight (I'll explain what that is, later). Before I took off for my class, I realized that I left the reader in my room. I hurried enough that I was able to finish eating, get it from my room and still be early for the lecture.

In case any one is wondering, the weather is awesome. It's cool and windy, with blue skies and big puffy clouds. Amazing, how the weather changes so quickly. A few days ago, that description would have been sarcasm.

The first half of class was pretty tough. I definitely should have spent less time on the Federalist articles and started on the cases, last night. Jeffrey's good at explaining things, but the discussion often gets side tracked. I'll just have study harder.

At lunch, I attended an ethics talk with Jimmy Xu, an Australian from my dorm. We sat with about 25 other people on the steps in front of Hamilton hall, and joined in a discussion led by Valerian, a political-science major and RA. The forum focused on utilitarianism and "what would you do?" type scenarios. Lincoln-Douglas debate and my philosophy class last summer prepared me well for it, but everyone had something interesting to say. I think I'll attend the one next week, too.

The second half of class was lead by Mike, the other teacher. Because all parts of the Constitution are open for interpretation, we had a brief discussion on what "interpretation" means. It turns out that there are many different interpretations of interpretation, in our class. We then watched too brief documentaries. The first was footage of students interviewing Supreme Court judges on the Constitution. The second, was the first episode of a PBS series on the history of the Supreme Court.

I talked to a girl from my class on the elevator this morning. It turns out she's switching to the class, Leadership in Law, so she doesn't need her text book anymore. I bought it from her right after we got out.

We met with Ms. L again, at 4:30 PM. Looks like everyone's having a good time, too.

I ate dinner in the cafeteria with Bryan and Brian, students from the same school in China. We were quickly joined by Bryant, who I had met at the ethics talk: small world.

After my meal, I went back to my dorm, and spent ten minutes hunting down and brutally murdering a fly: time well spent. With the distraction dead, I started studying.

From 8-10:00, I played manhunt with about 300 students and RAs. It was basically just a massive game of hide-and-go-seek, but with teams. I spent about 15 minutes hiding in a bush, talking to people on my team. It was a ton of fun; I'll definitely play again next time.

Well, that's basically all I did today. I'll go back to reading as soon as I'm done writing this.

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